Home / Accessories / Tricks of dance aerobics for weight loss at home. Dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners Dance aerobics for weight loss training lessons

Tricks of dance aerobics for weight loss at home. Dance aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners Dance aerobics for weight loss training lessons

For representatives of the fair half of humanity, monotonous exercise on exercise machines to get their body in order is not just difficult or impossible, but uninteresting, which is reflected in the results of the training.

Sometimes there is simply no time to go to the gym two or three times a week with an active lifestyle, which is combined with household chores and chores.

Dance aerobics for weight loss is a popular trend in the fight against excess weight, which began to develop in Russia, when no one knew about the word “fitness”.

Advantages and benefits of dance aerobics for weight loss

Intense dance aerobics for weight loss has only positive reviews. With the help of simple exercises accompanied by cheerful music, ladies and senoritas not only relax, but also, by performing simple movements and steps, train their muscles, burning extra calories.

Dance aerobics for weight loss (also called low-impact) has a huge number of advantages, including the following:

  1. When performing simple exercises and steps, the body's endurance is trained and the speed of metabolic processes increases.
  2. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, blood circulation significantly improves, which has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  3. Calories are burned.
  4. Lung volume increases, which has a beneficial effect on breathing.
  5. The skeleton is strengthened, becoming more resilient.
  6. Cheerful music and dance exercises help relieve stress and strengthen the nervous system.
  7. Coordination improves, agility and flexibility are trained.
  8. You can conduct dance aerobics classes in a specialized hall or at home.

When starting low-impact aerobics classes, which do not involve the use of weights, exercises with a fitball or on a mat, you can use the recommendations of leading trainers.

For example, videos with Anita Lutsenko or Denise Austin will tell you in detail about all the nuances of fun activities.

Dance aerobics with Anita Lutsenko - video:

The right exercises will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

Dance aerobics classes with Denise Austin - video:

But, like any other sport or physical exercise, dance aerobics for weight loss not recommended for in the following cases:

  • If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury or spinal injury, excessive activity during certain exercises can cause an exacerbation of a particular disease.
  • People who suffer from asthma attacks are contraindicated in dance aerobics.

Exercising can worsen chronic cardiovascular diseases. This is especially true for previous heart attacks.

  • The stress on the leg muscles can contribute to the development of varicose veins if there is a predisposition to it. And also if this disease is present, it is not recommended to attend dance aerobics classes or do them on your own.

Classification of dance aerobics

The desire to have a slim, toned and slightly pumped up body can be easily achieved with the help of dance steps and light exercises to cheerful and lively music, which will not only help burn calories, but also lift your spirits, charging you with positive energy. Effective dance aerobics classes can be divided into several types.

Dance aerobics Jazz (Jazz aerobics)

A feature of this type is the smoothness of movements. In addition, here attention is paid mainly to the formation and development of correct posture.

Dance aerobics Hip-hop (Hip-hop aerobics)

For beginners, even the first classes of this type may seem quite difficult, but the dynamism and intensity help burn up to 500 kilocalories per hour of exercise.

In addition to endurance and graceful movements, this look can allow you to show off your knowledge of hip-hop moves at parties.

Dance aerobics Funk (Funk aerobics)

  • Despite the abundance of different steps and movements of this type, it will be less intense, and the classes will be less exhausting than hip-hop aerobics.
  • In addition to excellent posture, regular exercise can improve your coordination.

Dance aerobics Latina (Latin aerobics)

  • This is a classic look that has become the basis for many other varieties.
  • The basis of this type of aerobics is the work of the hips, which not only pumps up the gluteal muscles, but also allows you to remove all the folds from the abdomen.
Dance Latin aerobics - video with classes:

Dance aerobics Rock-&-roll (Rock and roll aerobics)

  • Aerobics filled with jumping, sharp turns and running will appeal to active and dynamic individuals.

This sport is especially popular among restless children.

  • With regular exercise, the muscles of the back, arms, abs and leg muscles are strengthened.

Dance aerobics Pump it up (Aerobics Pump-it-up)

This type of dance aerobics consists of performing various steps and exercises using a barbell.

By holding hand weights in their hands and doing pump it up, people not only burn calories faster, but also pump up their arm muscles.

Dance aerobics Zumba

Zumba is not just a type of dance aerobics, but also an almost independent fitness program, which is based on performing rhythmic movements to Latin music: salsa, rumba, mamba, cumbia and others.

This is the best dance aerobics for weight loss. Basically, Zumba requires group participation rather than solo performance.

Regardless of which type is preferred, the main thing is the amazing positive results with regular training.

Zumba dancing for weight loss - video:

At home or in the gym, on your own with a training video or with a professional trainer - this is not so important.

Note that for any dance aerobics classes you only need desire, a little free time and the desire for good results.

Dance aerobics training lessons for beginners

The name “dance aerobics” already speaks for itself. When making a choice - independent training at home or in the gym, you should, first of all, rely on the main goal.

If the desire to lose excess weight led you to dance steps, then you can do them at home.

A set of dance aerobics exercises for weight loss

If you want to learn new skills, improve coordination and improve your body by pumping up your muscles, you can start right away with dance movements.

Basically, training lessons for beginners consist of several sections. Each lesson will consist of a warm-up, main part and conclusion, which will allow you to correctly calculate your energy and strength. So let's get started.

Lesson 1. Warm up

The first lesson will begin with a short warm-up, which will help you warm up and get ready for the lesson.

The duration of the warm-up usually does not exceed five minutes.

While monitoring your breathing during warm-up, perform the following “light” movements to the music:

  1. They actively move their arms, you can swing them up and down, rotating your hands and shoulders.
  2. Turning the body, bend and twist, making less active movements.
  3. Knead the muscles of the back and neck. To do this, they make soft turns of the head to the music, and also try to depict a “wave”, as in oriental dances.
  4. Afterwards, you should warm up the muscles and joints of your legs. To do this, you can do several swings, lunges, or simply transfer your weight from one leg to the other.
Warm-up before dancing for weight loss - video:

Lesson 2. Main part

After warming up, you can safely move on to the main exercises, adding intensity and activity to the execution. Here everything depends on the desired result and the chosen type of dance aerobics.

  • For example, to lose belly fat, while doing the main part, you spend a lot of time on exercises that help strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  • To lose weight in your legs, it is important to use movements that will strengthen the muscles of your thighs and lower legs and tighten your buttocks.
  • When practicing independently at home, do not forget that this is dance aerobics, which should be enjoyable. Try to remember and perform some kind of dance movement, move actively, you can even jump to the beat of the music.

When practicing on their own, many first accurately repeat the exercises and movements that are recommended in videos, or seen somewhere before. But already from about the third lesson there is a desire to improvise, coming up with your own exercises.

  • Dance aerobics can be called cyclic exercises that simultaneously engage many muscle groups.
Dance aerobics classes - video, part 1:

  • The training uses elements such as steps, swings, lunges, running, jumping, knee raises and jumps, depending on the desired result.
Part 2, dancing for weight loss - video:

  • Also, depending on the chosen music to accompany the activity, you can perform movements with different intensities. For example, with more gentle music the movements will be smooth, but with rhythmic music they will become sharp.
Part 3, dancing for weight loss - video:

Lesson 3. Final part

At the final stage of your workout, you should do some stretching, which will not only restore your muscles and slow down the momentum, but will also help you acquire beautiful shapes.

Part 4, dancing for weight loss, final part - video:

There are many types of aerobics, but one of the most beloved by women is dance. Movements to rhythmic music lift your spirits, give you a boost of energy, and allow you to avoid feeling the fatigue that usually occurs after strength training. There is a colossal burning of calories and the development of various muscle groups. Those who choose such a lively and dynamic method of losing weight usually quickly achieve results and rarely fail.

Basic principles

It is believed that dance aerobics for weight loss is quite effective. It combines sports and dancing: you need to perform a certain set of exercises to rhythmic music of medium intensity.

Weight loss occurs due to:

  • acceleration of metabolism and lipolysis;
  • fat burning;
  • calorie consumption both during classes and some time after them (in an hour of training you can lose up to 500 kcal);
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances and removing excess fluid;
  • improving mood and general mood;
  • drawing muscle mass of the body.

Usually it is done for pleasure, to maintain muscle tone and figure in good condition. But such workouts are also in demand for weight loss.


Sometimes clubs and halls offer classes in universal dance aerobics, which is a set of simple exercises performed to music. But most often they use some newfangled trend to lose weight. And you have to make a difficult choice between them.

  • Street dance

Aerobics based on street and folk dances. Combines various styles - jazz, funk, hip-hop. Gives a feeling of relaxation, develops endurance, sharpens coordination of movements, promotes weight loss, and in the future keeps the body in excellent physical shape. The exercises are both complex and simple.

  • Latin aerobics

One of the most popular types of dance aerobics. It is based on a springy step, tense abs and continuous work of the hips with a clearly fixed back, which creates a fairly powerful load on various muscle groups. The result is a wasp waist, flat tummy and rounded hips. There is no strength part, although some trainers include it to complicate the program for greater efficiency.

  • Rock'n'roll

Here you will have to master the rock and roll step. Basic exercises: moving, jumping, turning and running.

  • Volk

Folk aerobics - fitness based on folk dances. Each workout includes a warm-up, the dance part itself, strength training for the abs, and stretching.

  • Indian

The main dance elements of Bollywood aerobics are bending, jumping, wave-like movements of the body, hips, neck, shoulders, and chest. The choreography is designed so that the training program includes warm-up, fat burning, cardiovascular training, and muscle stretching. Belly dancing is an ideal exercise for losing weight around the waist.

  • Body ballet

One of the most difficult types of dance aerobics. Based on movements from classical choreography, ballet, Pilates. Adapted for a wide range of people losing weight. Makes the body slim, develops flexibility, improves posture, helps to gain flexibility and grace.

  • Pump it up

One of the most unusual areas that offers dancing... with a barbell. The combination of graceful movements with strength loads gives amazing results in losing weight, but is characterized by increased trauma and is not suitable for everyone.

  • Zumba

There are fitness trainers and dancers who consider Zumba the best dance aerobics. Its advantage is that it is a separate program specifically designed to combat excess weight. It also includes many other areas.

  • Hip-hop

Many people advise choosing this type of dance aerobics for weight loss, because it allows you to burn much more calories in 1 session than all other activities. However, training requires endurance and patience.

  • Funk

The moderate pace of the exercises makes everyone mistakenly think that this dance aerobics is easy. However, many movements are so complex that they require choreographic preparation. True, trainers offering this direction usually try to somehow adapt them and make them simpler. It is based on free, flexible movements of the body and arms. A large load falls on the spine.

  • Jazz

An ideal choice for weight loss. An additional bonus is correcting your posture if there are any problems with it. Training usually includes 3 parts: ground, main, final.

It is difficult to say which of the above areas will be the most effective for losing weight. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some offer high pace and intensity that allows you to burn maximum calories. But at the same time they include quite complex movements, the technique of which will have to be honed for a long time and patiently. Others learn quickly and easily, but are not very mobile, which means weight loss will be slower. The only right decision can be suggested by the coach.


Having done this kind of aerobics at least once, you will understand that dance gymnastics is hard work. It forces not only the muscles of the body to work, but also requires a corresponding return from the internal organs.

This means that such powerful loads have contraindications, which include:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • heart attack;
  • asthma;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • any diseases of the spine.

So, if there are these contraindications, dancing and losing weight are incompatible things.

Set of exercises

Regardless of direction, all dance exercises are based on the following basic concepts and movements that will have to be learned and mastered:

  1. Isolation is working with one part of the body while all the rest are immobile.
  2. Polycentric - performing movements by different parts of the body separately from each other when their speed and amplitude coincide.
  3. Animation - we decompose a single movement into several components while the rhythmic unit lasts.
  4. Opposition - a straight line is destroyed when different parts of the body confront each other.
  5. Countermovement is the movement of one part of the body towards another.

The set of exercises proposed below is included in the so-called universal program. That is, it does not relate to any specific direction. Rhythmic music is turned on - and clear, measured movements are made. Such classes can be recommended for beginners or those who need to lose more than 10 kg of excess weight.


  1. Active movements of the arms: swinging up and down, rotating the hands and shoulders.
  2. We reduce activity: turns the body, bends, twists.
  3. Warm-up for the back and neck muscles: smooth head turns.
  4. Warming up for the muscles and joints of the legs: swings, lunges, transferring weight from one leg to the other.

Main part

Exercises depend on the chosen direction. They are elementary and are included in many fitness programs for beginners. Each must be repeated 20-25 times.

  1. Focus on the straightened right leg, the left leg is extended forward, its toe lightly touching the floor. Hands are pulled back, behind the back. In a jump, the body weight is transferred to the left leg, and at the same time the right shin is overlapped. With the second jump, return to the starting position. We alternate legs.
  2. Place your feet together, elbows bent in front of your chest. A step is taken to the left, the right foot is placed on the left foot. A short step is taken with the right foot, but with the body turning a full 180 °C over the right shoulder. The left one is attached to it. Next, the exercise is performed in the opposite direction.
  3. Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are located in front of the chest. Stand up in a half-squat and cross your left shin.
  4. Side steps to the rhythm of the music in each direction. Hands are spread to the sides.


  1. Jumping to the music - 5 min.
  2. (20 repetitions).
  3. Calm, measured step (walking in place) - 5 min.

This is just a base, a push, a start. If you join the world of dance aerobics, after just a month of classes, seeing the results of losing weight, you will probably want to complicate the movements and try different movements. And this definitely needs to be done in order to further hone your figure and bring your physical shape to ideal.

Dance aerobics is good because it is suitable for losing weight at home. If you don’t choose a direction that is too complicated, you can master the movements yourself by watching master classes in videos. However, the absence of a coach is still a minus. A person cannot see himself from the outside during classes. Even the mirror gives a distorted idea of ​​the movements he performs. Therefore, it is impossible to identify and eliminate errors that may interfere with rapid weight loss.

One way or another, if you decide to take this step, a few tips from professionals will help you.

  1. The recommended frequency of exercise to maintain good physical shape is three times a week. For intensive weight loss - daily.
  2. Duration of 1 lesson - 1 hour.
  3. If you have significant fat deposits in problem areas, it is recommended to do light cardio and strength training three times a week (combining them), but within reasonable limits.
  4. With such physical activity, diets are excluded. Stick to proper nutrition and watch your caloric intake.
  5. Try to drink 2 liters of water a day.
  6. If, 2 weeks after classes, you still haven’t found the charm for yourself in them, it’s better to find another way to deal with extra pounds.
  7. Classes can only be carried out on an empty stomach, 1.5-2 hours after eating. After training, half an hour later you can drink protein, but you can sit down for a meal only after a couple of hours.
  8. Clothing for activities should be loose and breathable, and sneakers should be well-cushioned.

If strength training and cardio are difficult for you, try dance aerobics. She captivates, makes you show your essence, liberate yourself. It often helps with depression, which is the hidden cause of excess weight. If you regularly devote your free time to it, you will not only experience effective weight loss. You will feel how you will change externally and internally: you will find harmony of soul and body, you will become more feminine and softer.

This is one of the most popular activities in the gym. Many experienced trainers claim that this type of physical activity does not work for weight loss if you stick to it for a long time. But people like to exercise in a comfortable environment, with energetic music playing and a trainer setting the pace. Aerobics for weight loss tones the body and energizes you. Unlike simulators, which bore many people. It is necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this type of load.

Aerobics styles

Today aerobics has more than 30 directions. Each has its own distinctive features. So:

  • Aerobics with classical exercises and running to musical accompaniment;
  • Classes on the steppes. This is a platform that allows you to diversify your classes with the help of dance sequences;
  • Aerobics for weight loss using weights (strength);
  • Aerobics combined with dancing;
  • Aerobic exercise in the pool;
  • Exercise on special balls – Fitballs;
  • Exercise bike to music.

The benefits of aerobic exercise

  1. The cardiovascular system becomes stronger, the risk of heart disease decreases;
  2. The body is fully saturated with oxygen due to aerobic exercise;
  3. The functioning of the endocrine system is improved;
  4. A surge of strength, vigor, and endurance appears;
  5. Metabolism improves;
  6. Intensive fat burning occurs;
  7. Charge yourself with a positive attitude after every workout.


Aerobics for weight loss is an intense type of exercise, so it is contraindicated for people with:

  • Heart disease, heart attack or stroke;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Colds;
  • Weak vestibular apparatus;
  • High degree of flat feet;
  • Mental illness;
  • Weak joints;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Poor vision.


To achieve good results in the process of losing weight, you need to constantly give your body physical activity and also eat right. It is better to adhere to a proper diet that excludes harmful, unhealthy foods. The consumption of canned and flour products is completely excluded. Before training, you need to have a light snack, but do not overeat.

You should eat food five times a day at equal intervals. In case of severe hunger, you can snack on vegetables. After classes, you should refrain from eating for half an hour.

Ideally, you should consume protein after an intense workout.

Steps classes

Many people complain that no matter how much time they spend in the gym, the results are mixed. Their figures do not change. This happens because step classes will not eliminate figure imbalances. For example, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, step dances are powerless. But they will help restore muscle tone and gain weight. For these purposes, training is ideal.

This type of aerobic exercise consists of several blocks:

  1. With the help of Power step, the muscle corset is worked out, and the heart receives a cardio load. The intensity of your workout affects the calories you burn. An activity can cost 350-600 kcal;
  2. Dance step types are designed to use dance sequences. Extra pounds will be lost easily and to the music;
  3. Step Interval combines strength exercises and cardio effects on the cardiovascular system. This exercise will help you lose weight if you adhere to the correct nutritional system.

To start exercising, you need to decide on your level of physical fitness. Depending on it, choose a lesson in the first or second step. The purpose of these exercises is to load the body with a high training pace, which will lead to rapid burning of calories. To achieve maximum effect, you need to refrain from eating 2 hours before and after the end of classes. Strength exercises are prohibited on this day.

If a person wants to lose extra pounds and pump up muscles, then interval and strength steps should be added to the main steps. Use them in training twice a week, but not in a row. The rest of the days can be easily devoted to stretching, yoga, and breathing exercises. This will allow the body to increase metabolic processes and prevent overwork.


With the help of Zumba, Latin, belly dancing, hip-hop, you can not only lose weight, but also get a boost of energy. Modern aerobics are types of dances with additional load. Each type has its own direction.

Aerobics for weight loss with dance elements differs from regular dance classes. Because it has a continuous rhythm, there is no way to stop and reduce the pulse. This is of great importance for effective impact on the body. In the process of burning fat, it is much more effective to conduct one lesson without stopping than to devote two hours to practicing dance moves. After all, then the intensity of the training is lower.

Fitness classes with dance elements carry a strength load for the body. With their help, your figure changes and the condition of problem areas improves. The trainer divides the lesson into several blocks, each of which affects a specific muscle group.

And most importantly, during training, endorphins are released, which give you a good mood. This means you can go to training with pleasure and not skip.

These classes can be done at home using a video lesson. Thus, the budget is saved, and the figure acquires the desired degree of harmony.

Losing weight at home

It's easy to burn extra calories at home. You just need to make classes regular.

This type of load has the following advantages:

  • Possibility to choose a comfortable pace of classes;
  • Independent selection of musical accompaniment;
  • You can study when it is convenient;
  • By downloading a lesson from the Internet, it’s easy to diversify your classes. Moreover, the trainer shows different types of ligaments and exercises.

Sports exercises can be changed. When undergoing other types of training, the body receives a greater load. Intermittent exercise is a good approach. Moreover, the exercises will not have time to get boring, which means that the mood when performing them will always be at its best.

Example lesson:

  1. First you need to warm up. The best way to handle this is with an extension step. The back is kept straight, the shoulders are straightened, the breathing is calm. If you have difficulty breathing, you need to slow down the pace;
  2. To avoid accidentally pulling a muscle, you need to perform stretching exercises. They include bending and lunging. You need to do it carefully and smoothly, do not rush;
  3. After stretching, you can begin the strength part. After all, the body is already quite warmed up, the muscles are stretched. Vigorous movements to music should not be accompanied by shortness of breath. The person chooses the style of training himself. Or the load that will have the greatest impact on his problem areas. Weights and additional elements (ball, dumbbells, ribbon, hoop) are welcome.
  4. The main block of exercises is followed by stretching. This is done so that the muscles do not hurt so much.
  5. If a person is serious about getting results in the form of a beautiful figure, then you can use strength exercises. They will burn fat. You can do push-ups, squats, and leg swings.

The workout should be accompanied by fluid intake. Plain water is best. This will protect the body from dehydration.

Aerobics for weight loss is an excellent way to keep your muscles toned. To maintain health, it is enough to exercise twice a week. But, if you have a goal to lose weight, you need to increase the load and exercise 4-5 times a week.

Fitness and dancing - what do they have in common? And the fact that they can be perfectly combined and have a simply amazing effect on your body! Combining choreography and aerobics is unusual and interesting, this is how dance fitness was born, which you can now do at home. The weight loss video that we present on this page will help you achieve great shape and at the same time have fun - do exercises, dance and feel how your body is changing for the better!

What is dance fitness?

Dance fitness is a relatively new fitness trend that was born by combining elements of aerobics and choreography. We can say that this is aerobics in dance, which makes your body healthier and stronger, and at the same time helps to fight excess weight and, of course, charges you with a great mood for the whole day. It’s not for nothing that this trend is often called dance weight loss - indeed, you dance and lose weight!

It should be noted that dance fitness, the video of which you will find on this page, is not just a combination of aerobics exercises and dance movements. Everything is not quite like that: in this direction only aerobics steps (which are also included in the fitness complex for weight loss) and light elements of choreography are combined. Please note that it is the light elements that are accessible to most people and at the same time have the most beneficial effect on the body.

But why was it necessary to create dance fitness if there are already various dances for weight loss? The thing is that combining dance and aerobics has a much more interesting and noticeable effect than dancing and aerobics separately. And besides, dancing for weight loss, video lessons in this area are an excellent option for practicing at home.

Dancing for weight loss at home: what results and effects can be achieved?

Dance fitness has all the effects that aerobics and dancing have separately:

  • - Cardio training - dancing for weight loss (especially for beginners) helps strengthen the heart, increase endurance and strength;
  • - Aerobic exercise – thanks to this, fat burning is accelerated, which leads to weight loss;
  • - Improving coordination, developing a sense of rhythm, getting a charge of vivacity and energy - dance aerobics, the video of which you will watch, has a general tonic effect, helps to develop your coordination and sense of rhythm, which is something many of us sometimes lack.

So dance fitness is not only about dancing for weight loss at home, but also about benefits for the soul and body. You are not just losing weight at home, but you are putting your body, heart and circulatory system in order, improving your mood and simply having fun.

And most importantly, home dancing for weight loss is a generally accessible activity that does not have strict restrictions on age and physical condition. Therefore, the video dances for weight loss that are presented here are suitable for everyone!

Dance fitness course on Timestadi.ru

We bring to your attention a dance fitness course from trainer Anastasia Ulyanova. With this course you will achieve results from losing weight at home - video with a trainer will help you understand all the features and difficulties of the direction, and easily master it at home. A correct and responsible approach to exercise will help you train your heart and fight weight, and most importantly, you will gain a boost of vivacity and real pleasure!




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The most effective way to lose weight is a combination of physical activity and proper nutrition. Aerobics is a way to lose weight without dieting, tone your body and improve your metabolism while dancing to fun music. Aerobics for weight loss at home can be done using video lessons, since the technique is simple and no special equipment is required, everyone can try this technique on themselves.

How does aerobics help you lose weight? During dance aerobics, almost all the muscles of the body work, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained, and a person becomes more resilient. Active training requires a large amount of energy, which the body takes from fat deposits, breaking them down. Weight is lost precisely due to the burning of fat deposits, while the muscles become elastic and beautiful, and the skin is evenly tightened and does not sag.

You can start doing dance aerobics for weight loss right now; to do this, you need to change into comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movements. Shoes should be sporty and comfortable.

There are several types of aerobics that help you lose weight:

  • Dance aerobics;
  • Step aerobics;
  • Aqua aerobics;
  • Slide aerobics.

All types of aerobics for weight loss differ from each other in intensity and complexity, so aqua aerobics is great for beginners and overweight people, and slide aerobics is suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness. Home aerobics for weight loss will help you understand whether this sport is suitable, if you like everything, then you can continue the lesson with a trainer in the fitness center, such lessons are very effective, since a specialist monitors the correct execution of dance exercises.

Dance aerobics at home

A set of dance aerobics exercises for weight loss will help get rid of fat deposits in the legs, hips, back and waist, as well as strengthen the arms and chest area. For dance aerobics, any rhythmic music is suitable, to which you need to move, repeating the exercises 10-15 times on each leg and arm.

There are more than 20 styles of dance aerobics - hip-hop, zumba, go-go and others. They have one thing in common - all dances develop rhythm and improve mood, giving noticeable weight loss results after just a month of practicing at home. After 6 months of regular training, your figure will become fit and athletic, and your body will be resilient.

Exercises for losing weight at home:

  • Warm up. Any dance aerobics class for weight loss should begin with a warm-up; a side step at a medium tempo is suitable for this. The back must be kept straight, shoulders straightened, breathing plays a very important role in aerobic exercise, it must be calm and without shortness of breath. If it is difficult to breathe, then you urgently need to slow down. During the exercise, one leg goes to the side, then the second moves behind it in a counter step, the knees should be slightly bent. You need to repeat the exercise for about 5 minutes.
  • Stretching. After warming up and before the main activity, it is recommended to perform simple stretches to minimize the risk of sprains and other injuries. To do this, you need to bend to the sides, forward and backward, lunges and stretches with your arms. All movements are smooth and unhurried.

At this stage, aerobics usually perform energetic dance movements at a good pace, but do not forget about breathing, it should be deep, not shallow, and without shortness of breath. The entire gymnastics complex is performed with a straight back; posture in aerobics plays a big role, as it affects the breathing process. Which dance exercises will be performed depends on the chosen style. Basically, they all consist of rhythmic movements of the arms and hips, often with dumbbells in the hands. Movements are aimed at burning fat in problem areas.
  • The final stage. Finish any aerobic workout with a good deep stretch to reduce pain in the muscles later and smooth them out, giving them beautiful graceful shapes.
  • Power training. After aerobics, a trainer may recommend strength training. A warm body after cardio exercise burns fat well during strength exercises. This includes push-ups, squats, crunches, and leg swings.
  • During aerobics, you need to keep a bottle of clean, non-carbonated water nearby. You need to drink small sips from time to time to avoid dehydration.

    Step and water aerobics

    Another one of the most popular types of aerobics is step. The movements are performed to rhythmic music using a special platform. At home, it can be replaced with a step or a low children's stool. Just like in dance aerobics, all exercises are performed with correct and measured breathing.

    Several step aerobics exercises on the steps:

    • The right leg stands on the step, and the left is bent at the knee. It is necessary to quickly raise and lower your leg, placing your right foot on it. Repeat the movements, alternating legs.
    • It is necessary to step up and down the steps in this order: left leg up, then right, right down, then left. The working leg must be alternated.

    To make aerobics more effective, it is recommended to pick up dumbbells. At home, they can be replaced with 0.5 liter bottles or books. It is necessary to work with your hands during the exercises, bending them at the elbows and lifting them up. Aqua aerobics takes place in a swimming pool, usually under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that all muscle groups are involved, and even elderly people and pregnant women can do such gymnastics. Aerobics in water can be very intense, or in the form of light gymnastics.

    Slide aerobics

    This type of fitness combines aerobic and strength training. All exercises are performed simulating ice skating - with sliding. The movements are performed on a special mat with a sliding surface.

    A few exercises:

    • Slip. Starting position: Legs are slightly bent at the knees and connected, and the body is tilted forward. You need to stand at the right edge, push off with your foot, take two steps to the left, placing your left foot. Repeat in the opposite direction.
    • Frontal touch. When sliding at the end of the exercise, you need to put your foot forward and touch the floor with your toe.
    • Leg lift. While sliding, you need to raise your lagging leg up, bent at the knee.

    All exercises can be accompanied by arm swings; to increase the load, you can use light dumbbells.

    Contraindications to classes

    Aerobic exercise is considered quite intense and is not suitable for people with the following diseases:

    • cardiovascular system, strokes and heart attacks in the past;
    • hypertension;
    • varicose veins;
    • recent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
    • dizziness;
    • flat feet 3rd degree;
    • severe mental disorders;
    • oncological diseases;
    • joint diseases;
    • various chronic diseases,
    • vision is more than +7 and -7 diopters.

    In the above cases, active aerobic exercise can seriously worsen the patient’s health, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    To lose weight quickly and evenly, you need not only to exercise regularly, but also to establish a diet. Food should be natural, tasty, varied and low-fat. You will have to give up fried, canned and sweet foods. It is not recommended to eat immediately before training, as it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to take energy from fat deposits, and not from the food just eaten. But you can’t do it while you’re hungry, as you might faint, because aerobics requires high endurance.

    It is important! Meals should be fractional, at least 5 times a day. If you are suffering from severe hunger, you need to satisfy it with fresh vegetables, you cannot tolerate it.

    The optimal time to eat is 1.5 hours before training; it should be carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, and fruit. After training, you should not eat immediately, because fat is burned for at least another 30 minutes after intense exercise. The best option would be to eat protein food an hour after class.

    Fitness aerobics classes for weight loss burn fat very effectively and tighten your figure, as evidenced by reviews from people of different ages. To keep your body in good shape, two sessions a week are enough, but to lose a lot of weight, the number of workouts needs to be increased to 4-5. Exercising at home can save a lot of time, but dance aerobics with a trainer will be more productive.