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Project on how to save water in everyday life. How to keep water clean? conclusions

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1. Introduction……………………………………………………4

2. Main part……………………………………………...5

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………..9

4. Literature used………………………………….11



My project explores the problem of thrift and economical use of water resources at home. The theme of the project “How to save water” has been relevant for many years. Therefore, the project is aimed at solving issues of careful use of water, developing environmental literacy, behavior in nature and everyday life, and sharing experiences. The goal is to engage in research activities through the use of methods such as monitoring water consumption; survey of residents to determine the quality of water in the neighborhood; conducting experiments using methods of settling and filtering water; calculation of water use for 2015 to determine a water saving system, an experiment to test water consumption in normal and economical modes, and reduce costs.

The main attention in the work was focused on the analysis of observations, experiments and experiments. As a result, for example, comparing different methods of settling and filtering, the most effective methods of purification turned out to be using the Geyser and Aqua systems: the water is clear, purified from mechanical and chemical impurities, microorganisms, viruses, bacteria (according to the instructions) and is suitable for drinking and cooking.

The main result of the work done was the development of a system of measures for effective water conservation, which are implemented and applied in our home. And participation in the project allowed us to learn a lot about the importance of water in nature and make a personal contribution to solving the problem of saving water at home.


Relevance of the project."Water this is the juice of life …» - This is what the famous Leonardo da Vinci said. Water is the simplest and most common substance on the planet. But at the same time, water is fraught with many mysteries. Scientists still continue to study it, finding more and more interesting data about water.

While exploring the problem of thrift and saving water resources, I identified the following goals and objectives.

Objective of the project: involvement in the study of saving water resources in the native region.

Having determined the quality and quantity of water used by the family for various needs, suggest ways to purify and save water in our home.

Project objectives:

1. Learn from literature about the importance of water in human life.

2. Trace where and how water enters our house.

3. Determine the water requirements for various household needs.

4. Show how a home water purifier works.

5. Identify and suggest options for saving water in the home.

Forms, methods and techniques:

Observation, excursions, conversations, reading the encyclopedia, experiments, experiments, use of Internet resources.

Expected result:

    Fostering careful use of water.

    Formation of environmental literacy, behavior in nature and everyday life.

    Formation of skills to plan one’s activities and correctly reflect the results, using experiments and research, etc.

    Be able to share the experience gained while working on the project.

Main part.

Water is the basis of life on Earth; it is necessary for everyone around us: plants, animals, humans. Therefore, it must be used carefully!

On March 22, Water Day is celebrated around the world. This holiday was established by decision of the United Nations General Assembly to remind humanity of the importance of water resources for the environment and social development.

Currently, 70% of the territory of our planet is covered with water. However, you can only drink 1% of this water. Every year the problem of access to water resources becomes more acute.

For life and proper healthy nutrition, a person needs water. Water is an important part of the body. The daily water requirement of an adult is 2-2.5 liters. Everyone knows about this, but half of the world's population does not consume the amount of water the body needs. The reason for this is not a lack of drinking water, but a frivolous attitude towards one’s health.

Water is the main “building material” for all life on earth. In an adult, it makes up 60-65% of the total weight. 86% of water is contained in the body of a newborn and up to 50% in older people. All animals and plant beings also consist of water: animals - 75%, fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95 %, watermelons - by 96%.

Being left without water is the worst thing that can happen to a person and to humanity as a whole.

Why so much attention to water? Because there is nothing more expensive than water in the world! If the reserves of coal, gas or oil run out, mankind, with effort, will find a replacement for them: the Sun, the wind, and even the tides can provide energy and heat. And without water there will be no life on Earth!

How does water enter our home?

I decided to find out this together with all members of our family. We live in a large house of our own; during its construction, the entire water supply system was well thought out. (Photo 1. Fragment of the water supply system in the house. Appendix 2).

In our house, water is supplied through a well, from which we have a meter to control the supply and use of water in the household (photo 2. Meter for recording the water used by the family. Appendix 2).

Where does water come from in our home?

Water supply to the Anapa region is handled by MUP Vodokanal. Carried out from 18 water supply sources. The first coastal water intake with a design capacity of 50 thousand cubic meters per day, commissioned in 1971, is located on the Kuban River. Going through all stages of purification: coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection, drinking water of excellent quality enters directly into the water supply network of the city and region. MUP "Vodokanal" has seven production bases: a central production base in the resort city of Anapa and production bases in

villages of Vityazevo, Tsybanobalka, Grape, Yurovka and in the villages of Blagoveshchenskaya and Gostagaevskaya.

I decided to see for myself how water is purified and visited the water intake station. True, it was not possible to get inside, since this is a special-purpose first category protection zone. But I examined the above-ground part of the tanks. (Photo 3,4,5. Water intake station. Appendix 2)

From the words of a water utility worker, I learned that after thorough cleaning, water flows through the water supply into our house.

How do we use the water that nature gives us?

I have 7 points of water use in my house: two sinks, a dishwasher, a bathroom, two toilet flush barrels, a washing machine (photo 6-10. Places to use water in the house. Appendix 2).

In addition, water is necessary for cleaning the house, watering indoor flowers, and caring for the aquarium. In summer, large amounts of water are used to water flower beds, vegetable gardens and gardens. Also, in the summer, younger family members swim in the pool, which is installed in the yard. (Photo 11-16. Use of water. Appendix 2.)

Calculating water use per year was carried out by seasons (seasons) during 2015, according to receipts, with the aim of: finding out at what time of year the largest amount of water is consumed. As a result, I found out that

    in winter (December, January, February) the total water consumption was 43 m3,

    in spring (March, April, May) - 50 m3,

    in summer (June, July, August) - 90 m3,

    in autumn (September, October, November) - 54 m3. (Appendix 1, diagram 1).

Thus, the highest water consumption was observed in the summer due to the use of water for filling the pool, watering the vegetable garden and flower beds. It is necessary to consider a system for saving water in the summer.

It turned out that when taking a shower for 5 minutes we spend 80-120 liters of water, when filling a bath - 200 liters, when washing in a washing machine (1 cycle) - 90 liters, when flushing the toilet once - 6-8 liters, average consumption water tap - 15 liters per minute, depending on water pressure.

In order to find out the opinion of residents of our village about the quality of tap water conducted a survey of residents of our neighborhood. After interviewing 20 people, I found out that the water entering our homes is transparent, clean, without foreign odors, but occasionally there is a smell of chlorine. Therefore, water must be further purified in order to be used for drinking and cooking without harm.

At home, water can additionally be purified using filters based on activated carbon and carbon fiber, which will effectively remove

foreign tastes and odors caused by the presence of chlorine in the water. The “Aqua” carbon filter is designed to improve water quality, including removing chlorine. We have a filter installed on the cold water inlet line in the bathroom and must be replaced every 8 months. (Photo 17. “Aqua” filter. Appendix 2)

A Geyser water filtration system is installed directly in the kitchen. The Geyser filter flasks are located under the sink and connected directly to the kitchen faucet.

We use filtered water for drinking and cooking. (Photo 18. “Geyser” filter. Photo 19. Kitchen taps. Appendix 2.)

Experiments, experiments with water.

Experience No. 1.

I decided to conduct an experiment to determine the quality of water using different purification systems (sedimentation and partial filtration):

I took filtered water that had been purified through Geyser filters (glass No. 1), through Aqua filters (glass No. 2), and also took rain water (glass No. 3) for comparison. (Photo 20. Water settling. Appendix 2.)

After settling the water for 24 hours, I discovered that a sediment had formed in glass No. 3 with rainwater (photo 21). And in glasses No. 1 and No. 2 the water remained clean, transparent, without sediment (photo 22. . Appendix 2).

After filtering, I found mechanical and organic impurities on the napkin.

This water can only be used for watering plants in the front garden and for household needs.

Filtered water in glass No. 3 (photo 24. Appendix 2.) was compared with other water (glasses No. 1, 2), it was still more cloudy (photo 25. Comparison of water after settling and filtration. Appendix 2).

When comparing different methods of settling and filtering water, the most effective methods of purification turned out to be using the Geyser and Aqua systems. The water after these filters was clear, purified from mechanical and chemical impurities, microorganisms, viruses, bacteria (according to the instructions) and was suitable not only for cooking, but also for drinking.

Experiment No. 1.

In order to test water consumption in normal and economical modes, I conducted an experiment. Before starting the experiment, my dad and I carried out a plumbing check of our house for water leaks. We did this using the water movement indicator located on the cold water supply meter. Having made sure that no water was flowing from the taps, I checked the meter: the water movement indicators were motionless. Therefore, there are no leaks in the house.

At the beginning of the experiment, after three days and at the end of the experiment, having made sure that no water was flowing from the taps, I recorded the exact readings of our meter.

Conducted the experiment for 6 days. For the first three days, water was used as usual. Then, for three days, our family saved water as follows:

When washing hands, we tried not to keep the tap on for a long time; we more often used the mode with a low water supply level (all taps were installed with a two-level water supply);

When bathing, we switched to shower mode, and the bath was filled with water 2 times less often;

When washing dishes, we tried to use less water.

As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that with economical use of water, 0.9 m 3 less was used in three days (saving 0.3 m 3 of water per day).

From the above data (Diagram 1.Appendix 1) I calculated that our family uses approximately 242 m3 of water per year (cost - 8470 rubles), the average consumption per month is about 20 m3 (cost - 700 rubles).

If our family uses water economically, we will save 9 m 3 per month, calculating in cash this is a savings of 315 rubles. Consequently, the water consumption per month will be 11 m3 (385 rubles per month) with economical use of water, and not 20 m3.

Using water in saving mode for a whole year will save 108 m 3 of water, in cash - 3,780 rubles. This means that with economical use of water, 134 m3 of water will be spent (costs will be 4690 rubles per year) per year (instead of 242 m3).

Consequently, the economic calculation (Table 1. Appendix 1) shows the effectiveness of the regime of saving both natural water resources and family funds, which must be applied in our family.


Analyzing the research activities, positive results were obtained, which I propose for practical use at home.

System of measures for effective water conservation developed during the work on the project:

1. When washing hands and performing morning hygiene procedures, you should use a low level of water supply.

2. If possible, reduce the time spent in the shower to 10 minutes; when soaping the body, the shower should be turned off.

3. Reduce bathing to 1-2 times a week.

4. Use the washing machine, if possible, with a full load.

5. Plan to drill a well on the site (if possible) to use water for watering flower beds, garden trees and vegetable crops in the summer, since according to our calculations, the greatest water consumption is in summer.

6. Install a water purification system in the pool in the summer to reduce the use of tap water for the pool.

7. Monitor the serviceability of all taps and connections, and promptly replace faulty parts of the plumbing if there is a leak.

8. Use detergents and washing powders marked ECO-friendly and sparingly.

Being in nature, on the seashore and river bank, our family never leaves garbage or litters water bodies. I know and understand the value of water, and I tell my classmates, friends and relatives about it at school.


During the implementation of the project, analysis of the results of the experience and experiment, I made the following conclusions:

1. Water is not only the most common, but also the most important liquid in nature. Suffice it to say that life originated in water. Without it, the existence of animals and plants is impossible. Life exists only where there is water. Without clean fresh water

humanity, industry and agriculture can exist and develop.

2. During the research, I learned that water supply and treatment plants of Anapa

district is a rather complex enterprise with many different workshops, structures, mechanisms, equipment and communications. Water travels a long way before it enters the water supply system. Water enters our house through a well-thought-out water supply system and is subject to thorough cleaning with Aqua and Geyser filters.

3. While observing and calculating water consumption in the house, I found out that our family uses a lot of water. Therefore, it is necessary to spend less of it. To do this, it is necessary to comply with the developed measures for the efficient use of water, including in order to reduce the cost of water use.

In general, the set goals and objectives were completed and implemented in the research project “How to Save Water.”

I shared my accumulated experience on the economical use of tap water in the house and methods of water purification with my classmates.

Water is the source of life, the source of bright days. Look impeccably into the fast-flowing stream. Everyone wants to drink, take care of the rivers, Lakes, oceans and small ponds.

Water is in the seas and oceans, in lakes, rivers and ponds. It is in towns and villages, in cities and towns.

Water is a priceless gift of nature, everyone enjoys you. Appreciate water, it is important, we are connected with water by fate.

List of information sources

    Baryshnikova G. B. “Our green planet.” Educational games, competitions and holidays for elementary school. /G. B. Baryshnikova; artist S. V. Pavlycheva - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.

    Sergeev B.F., Tomilin A.N. Great encyclopedia of elementary school. Questions and answers. - M.: OJSC "OLMA Media Group", 2014.

    Great Encyclopedia of Knowledge / Translated from German by L.S. Belova, E.V. Chernysh.-M.: EKSMO, 2012.

    Internet resources

Annex 1.

Diagram 1. Water consumption by a family by season in 2015 in m3.

Water consumption per month (m3)

Money spent per month (rubles)

Water consumption per year (m3)

Money spent per year (rubles)

Volume of water consumption without savings

Water consumption volume with savings

Volume of water saved

Cost of 1 m 3 of water = 35 rubles (as of March 1, 2016)

Table 1. Calculation of money savings for water use in the house per month, per year.

Appendix 2.

Photo 1. Fragment of the water supply system in the house.

Photo 2. Meter for recording used water.

Photo 3,4,5. Water intake station.

Photos 6,7,8,9,10. Places for using water in the house.

Photo 11. Washing floors. Photo 12. Aquarium care.

Photo 13. Watering flowers. Photo 14. Cleaning.

Photo 15. Swimming in the pool. Photo 16. Watering flower beds.

Photo 17. “Aqua” filter. Photo 18. “Geyser” filter

Photo 19. Kitchen taps.

Photo 20. Observation of water settling. Photo 21. Sediment in glass No. 3 .

Photo 22. Filtered water.

Photo 23. Filtration. Photo 24. Water after filtering.

Photo 25. Comparison of water after settling and filtration.

Water as a resource on Earth is beginning to deplete.

Already, about 500 million people around the world suffer from scarcity or acute shortage of fresh water. This is every 14th person! And by 2050, according to experts, this problem will affect 4 billion people, which by then will mean that the issue of shortage of clean drinking water will affect every second person on Earth!

But each of us, without pointing at the other, can help our planet not suffer from thirst right now. How? With the help of simple things that should become a habit.

1. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

It would seem like a simple thing, but it saves about 15 liters of water. Which is wasted down the drain. If you don’t believe it, check it out.

Your personal result for the year: saving 11,000 liters of water.

The volume of water saved will amount to two Seliger lakes!

2. Reduce your consumption of bottled water.

It takes 7 liters of water to produce one liter bottle of water. Thus, if you drink on average 1 liter of purchased water every day, you are extracting 8 liters of water per day or 2,920 liters of water per year from the bowels of the planet. Besides, p The eraser used in bottle production is difficult to recycle. Solution: install good filters at home and in the office and fill “your” water bottle yourself for consumption throughout the day.

Your personal result for the year: saving water volume in Maly Novodevichy Pond in Moscow.

If every resident of our country does this for a year: Let's save water in almost four Balkhash lakes!

3. Buy products made from recycled paper

That is, those with this icon:

Products made from recycled paper require much less water to produce. If your family uses four rolls of paper towels (including toilet paper) a week, choosing towels made from recycled paper will dramatically reduce your water use.

Your personal result for the year: 2,408 liters of stored water

Let's save as much water as falls from Niagara Falls every day.

4. Try to use medium water pressure in the shower.

If you take a shower not with maximum, but with average water pressure, then in 5 minutes you will save not only a significant amount of water, but also the energy used to heat it.

And, by the way, monitor the water pressure in the tap when brushing your teeth, washing fruits and vegetables, or hand washing. It should be as thick as a pencil.

Your personal result for the year: water saving 17,200 liters.

If every resident of our country does this for a year: Enough water to fill 3,000 giant stadiums.

5. Water your lawn early in the morning or evening.

If you do this in the middle of the day, due to evaporation, 14% of all water used does not reach the roots of the plants. A simple shift in the time of watering the lawn to the evening or early morning by a typical summer resident near Moscow saves 330 liters of water per week.

Your personal result for the year: water saving 17,160 liters.

If every household in our country did this for a year: water savings exceeding 4 times the annual precipitation norm in Moscow.

6. Water your lawn with a hose rather than a sprayer.

People are smarter than automatic machines: watering an area with a hose aiming exactly at the spot is twice as effective as mindlessly spraying it with an automatic machine. The average family of summer residents uses 95,000 liters per year to water their lawn. This is double the amount of water consumed at home.

Your personal result for the year: water saving 47,000 liters.

If every dacha farm in our country does this throughout the year: the volume of water saved will approach the volume of the Pyalovsky reservoir near Moscow.

7. Increase the number of vegetarian meals by one per week.

Huge amounts of water are required to grow grain to feed livestock. No less water is needed to get the finished product in the form of a steak to your table. Replacing just one good steak a week with a vegetarian meal saves 11,000 liters of water.

Your personal result for the year: water savings of 650,000 liters, which is equivalent to the volume of Lake Torbeevskoye near Moscow.

If every resident of our country does this for a year: we will save a volume of water equal to the Caspian Sea!

8. Use lower settings on your dishwasher.

Contrary to popular belief, the normal standard settings of your dishwasher are almost never needed. The same goes for pre-running the rinse program. Don't believe me? Try it! At “lighter” settings, the dishwasher copes with its duties no worse, and saves water by 55%.

And of course, do not run a dishwasher or washing machine that is not fully loaded. Wait until the machine is fully loaded, do not waste water and electricity!

Your personal result for the year: water saving 10,810 liters.

If every resident of our country does this for a year: we will save a volume of water that could cover the entire Kamchatka Peninsula with a layer of 30 cm!

9. Use faucet aerators.

These are the little things at the end of the mixers:

They cost from 15 to 50 rubles.

A regular faucet provides a water flow of 15 liters of water per minute. A water erator, also known as a flow minimizer, reduces water flow by up to 6 liters per minute, while maintaining the same water flow. By equipping only 2 sinks in your home with aerators: in the kitchen and in the bathroom, you will save 3,780 liters of water per year.

Your personal result for the year: water saving 3,780 liters.

If every resident of our country does this for a year: We will save a volume of water equal to the two-week water consumption level in the city of Moscow.

10. And finally, get your plumbing in order!

We're probably the only ones with leaking taps and toilets. A leaking faucet can cause you to lose about 75 liters of water per day, while a faulty toilet flush can cause you to lose up to 750 liters in the same period of time.

If every home in our country has plumbing that works properly throughout the year: we will save the whole Lake Ladoga!

All data for this article is taken from Wikipedia

and creatively redesigned.

Slide 2

2013 has been declared the year of environmental protection!

  • Slide 3


    Are there environmental problems on Earth?

    Can I contribute to environmental conservation?

    Slide 4


    • Can the planet get sick? It turns out it can. This is exactly what happened to the earth due to the fault of man. ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS have arisen on the planet, the solution of which determines the fate of all living things.
    • There are a lot of such problems.
    • We will discuss one of them!!!
  • Slide 5


    In 1969, the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl and his comrades set sail on a papyrus boat. Their path lay across the Atlantic Ocean. What they saw there amazed them. Heyerdahl writes: “We overtook plastic vessels, nylon products, empty bottles, cans. But fuel oil was especially striking... Black lumps of fuel oil illuminated the surface of the sea until the very horizon." There are known cases when sea turtles swallowed plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish and died. And how many fish fry die from ocean pollution with oil! Therefore, take care of the oceans and other bodies of water! !!

    Slide 6


  • Slide 7


    The faucet in the apartment is faulty; 2 glasses of water flow out of it in an hour. How much clean water leaks per day? In 10 days? In a year?

    • 2 x24 =48 glasses per day
    • 48 x 10 = 480 glasses in 10 days
    • 480 x 365 = 175,200 glasses of water per year

    And this is only from 1 faulty tap!!!

    Slide 8


    How many liters of water can you save if you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth?

    3 liters of water are filled into a bucket in 18 seconds. This means that 10 liters of water flow out in 1 minute.

    Conclusion: if we brush our teeth for 5 minutes, we lose 50 liters of clean water!

    In 1 day -100 liters, if we brush our teeth 2 times!

    Slide 9


    A stonecutter drilled a hole in a steep rock, from which flowed a thin stream of life-giving moisture. On the rock he carved the words that this rock was sacred and that the hole in it should not be widened. And yet, centuries later, there was a man who, for the sake of momentary gain, widened the hole. The water began to flow stronger and noisier. The man was declared a hero. But the glory was short-lived. Soon the spring dried up. There was nowhere to get water, people began to leave their homes. The village ceased to exist - “dried up”.

    Slide 10

    Conclusion: natural sources of water cannot be considered inexhaustible!

    People! Remember and know: To be healthy in life, Never forget to store clean water!

    We found the family of L.M. Veresova, who provided bills for payment of water consumption before and after the installation of water meters. Conclusion: Water consumption has decreased by 4-5 times. Why: Because the cost of the water meter Psychological factor Water consumption Cost before installation of the meterAfter installation July 2006 August 2006 January 2006 February 2006 November 2006 December 2006 Cold Hot

    With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water! 1 liter of water – in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!" title=" With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water - in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> title="With a poorly closed tap, a glass (250 ml) is filled with water in 1.15 minutes => 1 liter of water in 4.5 minutes. 312 liters of water will leak in 24 hours. Close the tap! Save water!"> !}

    In 2003, the municipal program “Clean Water” and the environmental protection program for the years were adopted. in the city of Monchegorsk. Since we want to continue our work, we decided to contribute to this problem and become the initiators of the following actions: 1) Improvement of the coastal zone of reservoirs in our city. 2) Use the media to inform the population about water reserves and its rational use. 3) At school, announce a competition for children’s works to improve the shores of Lake Komsomolskoye and submit a proposal to the city administration to find sponsors for this project.

    1. Water is an invaluable natural gift necessary for the life of all living things on Earth. There is very little fresh water on earth (about 2% of the total mass) 2. Russia is one of the few countries in the world where there is no law on drinking water. We believe the world needs water conservation programs to survive.